Drunk pumpkins!
(Thanks to Jen for making me laugh this morning!)
Now, on a more serious note...
I've been looking through the posts on this blog, and it seems that I am always apologizing for how long it takes me to get things done! I suppose I just want those writers who are so generous with their talents to know we appreciate them! I know how frustrating it can be when editors hold on to your work for extended periods of time...
Of course, that's just the nature of the beast, I guess. My desire to be prompt and the reality of getting it all done aren't necessarily compatible.
That said, I am almost finished with fall submissions, but not quite. I have responded to the bulk of them by now, with only a small number remaining. I know I said we'd respond to them all by September 30th (today). I tend to get ambitious, setting deadlines for myself...but I also want to give these last few the attention they deserve, so I'm going to hang on to them a little longer.
These last two weeks got a little busier than expected.
I'll post the fall lineup soon.